Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The story of a Ph.D. Candidate: Episode I

What is a Ph.D.? Why do we need to do a Ph.D.? What would you expect when doing a Ph.D.? There are many other questions that one might have in his mind. But, personally, we won't be able to know what it really likes until we do it!

Well, why did I say this? I don't know either what I am writing here and why I need to write this post. Perhaps the reason that made me write this post might have come from my gut feeling right now! Oh...my goodness! what's that mean? In fact I don't know either what does the gut feeling really mean, but for my own opinion it's just something about the feeling that we are frustrated or something like overwhelmed with all things happening around us.

What do you up to mate? why would you say this? oh...gosh...now..I'm confused...what am I doing here...what is the point I'd like to post in this blog...oh...dear....please pull me back to the right way.

So let's take a break for a while before coming back to the point again.

Ok..now I'm alright...let's come back the point where we were talking again. Ph.D. is the point, isn't it? Yep, mate you are right...come on...go ahead. Now I know where to go.... Folks, just some thoughts that came up in my mind while I was sitting on the train on the way to go back home....the thing I was thinking was that I should share my experiences of myself about the life I have had while study in a Ph.D. program. It may be not much fun, but thought, at least, it may be useful for someone. Anyhow...I've been talking to many things now, but you might have thought that you haven't seen any information that was really useful for you, wasn't it?...hehehehe...maybe you are right...but please do not complain me just yet as I am trying to get the feeling that would make me write the story in which I like to share with you guys. Also my thought at first was that I was going to separate this story for two Episodes at least. This is the first episode, so don't expect too much to find something really interesting here for now. Oh...dear....it's nearly 1am now...I haven't gone to any points of the story yet...so I'm thinking it is not the right time to finish this post for tonight....I'm tired and sleepy now.....so I should come back to finish this story off later...perhaps tomorrow...

Please do not complain me about what I've written in this post. Come back to read the next post of this series later, I'm sure you will find it interesting and useful too..I hope.. LOL....

Thanks for taking your time to read till the end of the post. I would appreciate it if you could leave me a comment .

Best wishes to all of you.

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